Help to Vaishnava children of Donetsk

Hare Krishna, dear devotees, the organizers of site!

We are the organizers of the project “Help to Vaishnava children of Donetsk.”

Due to the military situation, our city is now in total blockade. Donetsk people already cannot leave the region to the territory of Ukraine without a special permit, the city’s banking system is not working, many shops are closed, and the prices on food and things are 3-4 times higher than in the previous year. Many people in the city were left without work. Financially parents cannot afford to buy their children vitamins: fruits and juices. The import of various goods to Donetsk is banned. The stores have half-empty shelves and counters.

The situation in the city is still unstable, and this really affects people psychologically. In Donetsk, there are many families of devotees who cannot leave the city for some reasons. In many families there are children and elderly people (among them – even bedridden patients).

Some families cannot leave because of lack of finance. They feel discomfort that the need to live somewhere “in guests”, to rent an apartment, pay for utilities, buy groceries, get dressed. There are families who left Donetsk for some time, but returned because they were not able to bear all these expenses   financially.

Other devotees stayed due to their service in Donetsk temple, their commitment to take care of the temple Deities, to help other devotees.

Most of the Donetsk Vaishnava children live in areas where the situation is more or less calm, and they can only hear sounds of cannonades being somewhere far. But it still affects the psychological state of Donetsk devotees who dream of returning into the time of peace.

We have created this project to assist Vaishnava children of Donetsk. We appeal to people to make donations of any kind: clothes, toys, games for children, financial donations. The project exists on donations of kind people from around the world.

We are writing to you with a request to place information about our project on your website.

Our group in Facebook:

Please, insert the link to our project in your website or place the information about it in the section “Partners” (if you have such a section). We can send you text for a publication. In turn, we in our internet group will made the link to your WEB-resources and denote your site in as our partners.

Mataji Нari Priya will gladly answer ALL YOUR QUESTIONS (e-mail:
Her accounts in social networks are: in Facebook -https: //

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Organizers of the project “Help to Vaishnava children of Donetsk”.