As of August 13, 2015 – the 50 year Anniversary since departure of Jaladhuta on Kolkata dock,
ISKCON can report there are:
- 602 ISKCON Temples World wide
- 65 Farms / Eco Villages
- 54 Educational Institutes: Including primary schools, secondary schools and tertiary Colleges
- 110 Vegetarian Hare Krishna Restaurants worldwide
- 75,000 devotees in ISKCON have received initiation (taken clerical vows)
- 7 million worshippers attend an ISKCON centre annually
- 2000 home study / worship (Bhakti Vriksa) groups meet regularly worldwide (consisting some 30,000 devotees)
- 516 million books have been published by the BBT and distributed worldwide
- 3 billion plates of sanctified vegetarian meals (prasadam) have been served to the worldwide
- 1.2 million plates of sanctified vegetarian meals (prasadam) are now served daily to Indian children as part of the “Midday Meal” or “Annamrita” by ISKCON Food Relief Foundation
- 1000 hari nama chanting parties go chanting on the streets worldwide every week.
- 6000 Vaisnava festivals held every year globally in ISKCON Centres celebrating festivals like Sri Krishna Janmastami, Rama Namani and Sri Jaganath Rathayatra.
- Padayatra devotees have walked 210 000 KM on Padayatra Worldwide visiting 52 000 villages in 110 countries
References: GBC Census, directory, directory, Sankirtana Newsletter, Congregational Development Ministry, Gaurangi dd for Padayatra, FFL Global & ISKCON Food Relief Foundation, ISKCON Communications