Dear Devotees,
we would be honoured if you join us for our biggest festival of the year celebrating Lord Narasimhadeva’s appearance day. Confirmed guests of honor include:
H.H. Smita Krishna Swami
H.H. Krishna Kshetra Swami
H.H. Swami Bhakti Ananda Tirtha
H.G. Vaiyasaki Prabhu
H.G. Vijaya Prabhu
The festival starts 17th of May in the evening by installation of Garuda and raising the flag. Narasimha Caturdasi day is on May the 20th. *
This year with have an extra special event: 24 hour kirtan on 21st May. Experienced Kirtaneers please email as soon as possible if you want a time slot.
There will be:
-An inspiring mix of seminars,
-Lots of kirtan,
-Maha Narasimha Abhisek,
-Procession of Uttsava deities, reworks -Buckets of prasadam
20 EUR per day. Registration upon arrival mandatory. Bring your sleeping bag.
We look forward to seeing you here.
Your servants at Simhachalam,
Akhila Dasa, Dhira Nitai Dasa, Gour Mohan Dasa, Gopi Gita Devi Dasi
“One should learn how to associate with the devotees of the Lord by gathering with them to chant the glories of the Lord. This process is most purifying. As devotees thus develop their loving friendship, they feel mutual happiness and satisfaction. And by thus encouraging one another they are able to give up material sense grati cation, which is the cause of all su ering. Srimad Bhagavatam,11.3.30.
*for a detailed festival schedule please see:
Vedischer Tempel & Kuhschutz e.V. . Zielberg 20 . Jandelsbrunn . 94118 . Deutschland